United Registrar of Systems Hungary Kft.

United Registrar of Systems Hungary Kft.

United Registrar of Systems Hungary Kft. (URS Hungary Kft.) Started its activities in 2013 in its current form and with management. The company has developed a professional background of experts and auditors in close cooperation with the regional Czech headquarters. Currently, the Hungarian office has cooperation agreements with about 20 approved auditors and experts.

A cég fő profilja a menedzsment rendszerek (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, ISO 27001, ISO 28000, GMP+, EN 1090, IATF 16949 stb.) nemzetközileg akkreditált (UKAS, DAKKS) tanúsítása, szakmai támogatás a tanúsított rendszerekhez kapcsolódóan, valamint szakmai képzések nyújtása.

Through its international relations and partner offices around the world (about 100 offices in 35 countries), URS Holding can help build the foreign business relations of Hungarian partners and the qualification and inspection of foreign partners in foreign countries.

Web: https://www.urs-hungary.hu/

Tel: +36 70 389 1793

E-mail: office@urs-tanusitas.hu


We mainly deliver within the European Union, but we can also deliver to any other destination on request.